Entourage Yearbooks


Entourage Yearbooks is proud of the relationships created with our Yearbook Advisors throughout their yearbook journeys. Through these interactions with the advisors we were able to create memories that without a doubt will last a lifetime. We want to recognize these relationships and advisors and thank them for their dedication to their staff and students. We also want to show our appreciation of their participation and development to help make what Entourage is today. Entourage Yearbooks #1 goal is: "To attract, train, and retain the best Next-Generation yearbook advisors in the world to help schools develop the best programs toward the future of yearbooks." With that being said we are happy to introduce our Yearbook Advisor Hall of Fame! The Advisors inducted into our hall of fame have encompassed the qualities and attributes listed above, as well have gone above and beyond for their classrooms and communities. With the announcement of our Hall of Fame also comes the announcement of our first inductees, with the hope of adding additional advisors soon.

Inductees to the Advisor Hall of Fame receive:

$1,000 Cash Prize

Lifetime invite to yearly Yearbook Advisor Conference (All Expenses Paid)

Lifetime Inclusion into our Yearbook Advisor Council

New Inductees

Lynn Greenberg

yearbook advisor

Lynn has worked with Entourage for over 10 years on over 12+ projects. She has attended and presented at multiple Entourage Advisor Conferences. She has also mentored other local yearbook advisors who have been new to Entourage or just the yearbook process. As a parent volunteer, she has dedicated countless hours to putting together the yearbook at Five Points Elementary while her kids were in the school and mentoring them even after they had moved on. She is going to be a primary contributor and monitor to our new Yearbook Groupie Blog site. Thank you, Lynn, for all your hard work and contributions to the Entourage Family.

Hall of Fame Members

Nicole Ford

yearbook advisor

Nicole has worked with Entourage for 10 years on over 15+ projects. She served as the President of the Advisor Council for 5 of those years. During her time on the council she has helped plan, and present at the Entourage Advisor Conference. She has also mentored other yearbook advisors who have been new to the yearbook process. At her school, she has grown her yearbook program year over year to be a successful fundraiser at her school and has won multiple awards for her yearbooks including CSPA. Thank you Nicole for all of your hard work and dedication over the years.

- Lakeland Senior High School, Florida

Jerry worked with Entourage for a total of 9 yearbook projects but has contributed to many more yearbooks during that time. He served on the advisor council for a total of three years. Jerry has presented at our Advisor Conference 5 times. His passion is photography, he is a professional photographer that has worked in news media for many years, covering everything from professional sporting events to presidential elections. He has used his knowledge to teach countless advisors everything from basic photography skills to which camera is best for their yearbook photos. Thank you Jerry for all your words of wisdom and participation in multiple Entourage programs. We hope that you continue your passions and stay a part of the Entourage family!

- Goddard High School, New Mexico

Jerry Holm

yearbook advisor