Entourage Yearbooks



Entourage Yearbooks is proud to revolutionize the school funding process with our Next-Generation Grant. Many schools are without the proper equipment, programs or even infrastructure they need to provide the educational opportunities their students and community deserve.

Through the grant, we hope to fund those schools who are looking to advance themselves into the future by offering educational opportunities for their students and community

Read our PR Web release announcing the Next Generation Grant winners.


Whether it's assistance paying for new computer equipment, fund an after-school program, or to finally get out of debt with your previous yearbook provider - we are here to help you accomplish your goals!


We understand the difficulty that many educators face when it comes to receiving the proper funding for their classrooms and programs. That's why Entourage proudly supports these schools.


Yearbooks are a permanent time capsule for school staff members and students. They can become low priority in order to fund other school projects. We step in to make sure yearbooks are still possible.

Del Paso Heights Elementary School


"Part of the funds will be used to help create memories for our 6th grade class, which will be leaving us after this June. Our plan is to fund a field day for our 6th graders filled with water stations and team building activities. This year’s class missed out on many social events, as many of our fieldtrips and social activities were cancelled for the past four years due to COVID restrictions. The last time this class went on a field trip was when they were in the 1st grade!

The other half of the funds will be used towards lowering yearbook costs. Although we fundraise multiple times a year, it is difficult to raise enough money to lower the yearbooks so that our students can purchase. With no extra funding last year, the school was left with over 50 unpurchased yearbooks, which left the yearbook committee budget at a deficit for the start of this year. However, this year, we will be able to lower the price back down to under $10, which helps our parents and families out if they should decide to purchase a yearbook."

"We will look to purchase a desktop computer with the software we need for our yearbook club members to continue working on the yearbook. With the remaining funds, the students in the club have decided they would like to give back. They plan to do this by purchasing books for elementary students or purchasing a plaque in Honor of a Science teacher who was taken from our school community last year."
Charlotte Valley Central School
"We are an ABC funded Pre-School, meaning that 100% of our scholars fall 200% below the poverty level. This grant helps us provide yearbooks for all of our scholars to help them remember their first experience of school fondly and positively. By providing a yearbook for each scholar, we hope to work with the community and families to provide the foundational skills in an enriched and safe environment for our young scholars to create, explore, and learn."
Homer Adkins Pre-K Center
"As a small private school, we require all visitors to sign-in and out through the front of- office. We currently use a paper form created by the office. There is a security concern with this method. We have decided to move forward with the purchase of an up-to-date electronic sign-in system to increase the security of our school."
Calvary Chapel School​
"I am so excited to use this money to help improve the pictures we take so our book will look even more incredible. We are hoping to purchase a pull down backdrop, tripod, card readers, and a portable backdrop. Additionally, I would like to get shirts for the students in the yearbook class. This would help us to stand out, get some recognition and remind students on campus to buy yearbooks."
Maryland School
"Thank you Entourage Leadership Team, for approving our Next Generation Grant proposal which will be used to purchase a new camera that will be used by our students in our Yearbook Publication class at West Jordan High School. We feel so proud to receive this grant and are in admiration for all of those individuals that are involved in the Next Generation Grant. With this grant our students will be able to further their overall involvement and engagement in working to create and produce the yearbook for our school for years to come."
West Jordan High School
"Students will be introduced to the basic elements of visual communication and the print world this year. Students will learn the fundamentals of photography and art as they document important events from the school year. Children will be competing to design the yearbook cover. We will need some art materials to run the contest. Children from grades 5 to 8 will compete to have their work on the cover. Although some may not win the contest, their work will be featured in the yearbook."
PS 46 Arthur Tappan

Naaleh High School for Girls


"Naaleh High School for Girls opened its door just five short years ago as an option for students and parents in North Jersey wanting a rigorous curriculum with small, personalized classes and individual leadership and growth opportunities. The school has grown from 34 students in the inaugural 9th-grade class to a four-year school with close to 200 students. The Next Generation Grant will be split between two different programs at our school. These extracurricular programs help build up a school culture of collaboration, teamwork, and, most importantly, friendship. First is our Senior class, and their yearbook and Senior Trip. We, as a school, strive to make sure all students can participate in all aspects of their Senior year, subsidizing as needed. Second is our school-wide production, Nagila, Hebrew for “Let Us Rejoice.” This production is a rejoicing of a return to normality from before Covid, it is going to be a wonderful evening full of song, dance and drama bringing our students and teachers together. The funding from this grant will go a long way in helping both of these programs meet their fundraising goals. Thank you!"

"Purchasing new computers and equipment for my yearbook class will have a significant impact on the success and productivity of the students. One of the most important benefits of new computers and equipment is the ability to access the latest design software. This will allow the students to create professional-looking designs and layouts that will make the yearbook stand out. Moreover, new equipment such as cameras and other media equipment will allow the students to take high-quality photos and videos for the yearbook."
Brandywine MSHS
"This grant will be used to help create our Design Center in our library. The idea of the Design Center has been one that has been discussed many times with our staff and our Parent Group, but other pressing needs, such as our Angel Tree, uniform scholarships and Karma Box are always a greater priority. Meeting the basic needs of our school community has been first and foremost to any additional funding we have received."
Honors Academy of Literature
"Our yearbook program is only 6 years old. The first year it kicked off, there were only a small handful of students given 4 cameras. Now, with the help and support from Entourage, our yearbooks have started selling out, we have been able to expand our program. However, after a few years of wear and tear of middle schoolers, those 4 cameras have slowly dwindled down to 2 ½ (yes, a half). This year, we decided that we needed more staff members to cover all of our jobs ; this made it very difficult having only 2 ½ cameras. Therefore, we made it our goal to fundraise and apply for grants in order to get more cameras."
Ted Polk Middle School
"A primary point of focus for us as a school over the last several years has been to improve our literacy instruction. One way we have tried to do that is by increasing the amount of small group reading instruction that is happening in all classrooms K-5. In order for this type of reading instruction to happen with fidelity, it requires a large collection of leveled texts located centrally for teachers to access. If fortunate enough to be approved for the grant, our plan would be to utilize the money to purchase leveled texts for our guided reading book room."
Waverly Ave Elementary School
"The Next Generation Grant will allow us to offer the Yearbook to our students at no cost to them. The objective of acquiring the grant is for students to access design and photography industry skills and explore possible career options. Our staff is here to support students in developing their unique artistic voice using the Yearbook as their platform for expression. About 60% of students are “economically disadvantaged” Creating true equity means creating real access for all."
Scriber Lake High School
"We are a Title 1 school where roughly 65% of the kids in our public school district boundary are on free and reduced lunch. Our school has many kids on tuition assistance. We cannot afford new computer equipment for the classroom, let alone for a yearbook that’s produced for roughly 70 school aged-kids. This year we will be including the daycare students as well as our day school students which is unique to our school. The grant money will be used to buy a DSLR camera and necessary as the teachers all use their cellphones to take pictures and upload them to the yearbook via the Entourage app."
Hope Lutheran School
"In the past this was discouraging for those who helped create the yearbook but were not able to purchase one as a lasting memory. Likewise, other students expressed they wanted the yearbook but did not have the money to afford it. As a team, this broke our hearts and since then we have been working diligently to ensure every student in our building can have a yearbook. Instead of creating a gap, we want to be able to freely and equitably provide all students with a yearbook. This grant will provide sixty students with a yearbook! That is sixty more kiddos that are able to hold onto precious memories for years and decades to come."
Hamline Elementary
"Rather than disappoint my students because of the financial stress purchasing a yearbook will place on most parents in our community, the Next Generation Grant will help me lower the cost of a yearbook for my special education families who are unable to afford one because the parent has other priorities to take care of first. These grant will allow me to purchase a yearbook for each of my special education students for the 2022-23 school year."
Colonial Middle School


When is the application due?

We accept applications throughout the year, from January 2024 to December 2024. Decisions and announcements are made in January 2025.

What can the funding be applied towards?

Grant funding can be utilized for anything that will help further develop your school, however the grant primarily focuses on funding technology as we believe technology is a powerful tool that encourages better education.

When do schools get an update on their application?

Applicants will be notified via email whether they have or have not been selected for funding. You can expect to receive an email from our marketing team within a month after the application deadline.

How and when do schools receive funding?

Grant funding is issued via a physical check. Schools can expect to receive news of grant funding in January 2025. You will receive an email from Entourage Yearbooks that states when your check will be mailed out.

Who makes the final decisions?

To help us remain as unbiased as possible, our Advisors Council makes all final decisions for funding. Grant applications are reviewed by our leadership team as well for organizational purposes.

Can I apply more than once?

Schools can apply more than once a year if their previous application did not result in grant approval. If your school did receive funding, congrats! We encourage you to apply next year in order to give other schools the opportunity to receive funding.

Can I nominate a school?

Yes! We encourage everyone to apply, whether they are an Entourage customer or not. Please send the application form to a teacher administrator from the school you'd like to nominate. If you are unsure who to send the application to, please fill out the application to the best of your ability - we'll reach out to school and figure out the rest!

If you have any questions or concerns regarding the application process or the status of your application, please don't hesitate to contact us.